New trainees

Six young people joined the Unimicron Germany GmbH for their apprenticeship in the fields of administration and production.
As it has become a tradition in the last few years, on their first day they received a warm welcome by Frank Obradovic and Bastian Laackmann, employees of the personnel department and Jakob Tissen, head of human resources. During an introductory meeting they got first impressions of their employer and their new tasks.
We are happy to welcome our new trainees:
- Nicola Neumann, Industrial clerk
- Andre van Well, Industrial clerk
- Markus Pauls, Machine and plant operator
- Ozan Özgüc, Machine and plant operator
- Phil Obradovic, Mechatronics engineer
- Gerrit Stenmans, Mechatronics engineer
Together with our “newbies” we have now 21 young people who absolve their apprenticeship here at Unimicron Germany.
We also would like to congratulate once again our former apprentices Nadin Lorenzer and Felix Bastian. After they have completed their apprenticeship successfully we could take them in an employee relationship.
In November 2018 starts the selection process for new apprentices for 2019. Up to this date, applicants should have sent us their application. We are looking for new apprentices in the fields of business administration, Machine and plant operators and mechatronics engineers.